WI Resolutions 1980-1999
WI Resolutions Collections contains an overview of the resolutions passed by the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada (also known as WI Canada) from 1919 to current resolutions being added to the collection as they are accepted. Subgroups are organized chronologically.
Please credit: WI Canada/FWIC Resolutions Collection FWIC-001.SG04
RESOLVED to request the Federal Government of Canada to remove the stipulation re being the active business of farming, and allow a capital gains tax free transfer of the family farm to eligible relatives after a death of the taxpayer –capital gains tax to be paid only at the time of actual sale.
RESOLVED to petition the Government of Canada in opposition to the promised amendment of the Criminal Code re: the decriminalization and/or legalization of marijuana.
RESOLVED that the United Nations be requested to consider the question of pornography where children are involved in a breach of human rights and of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child; (this passed at ACWW and forwarded to Government of Canada asking them to prevent child pornography through legislation)
RESOLVED that member societies of ACWW press their governments to monitor carefully the multi-national reduction of genetic material particularly as ii affects the crops on which they depend.
RESOLVED that FWIC urge the Government of Canada to ratify this Convention (UNESCO) when it is presented for ratification.
RESOLVED that FWIC request the Federal Government to retain the Divorce Act under its jurisdiction; and FURTHER RESOLVED that this jurisdiction be extended to include all maintenance and custody orders and that garnishment of wages or other acceptable means of enforcing maintenance orders be used.
RESOLVED that Manitoba WI and FWIC request the Federal and Provincial Governments to provide this information (about the syndrome) to the public through the media and all other means available.
RESOLVED that FWIC petition the Federal Government to investigate and encourage the production of paper currency that can be easily identified by blind or visually impaired persons.
RESOLVED that FWIC urge the Government of Canada to devise a system whereby workers’ rights are protected while at the same time users can be sure of uninterrupted service.
RESOLVED that FWIC request the Provincial Governments and the Federal Government to do everything in their power to bring about arms control and a reduction in nuclear weapons, and seriously engage in a programme of disarmament education and research.
RESOLVED that FWIC commend the efforts of the Federal and Provincial Governments in their attempts to reduce acid-causing emissions in Canada; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that FWIC urge them to continue research efforts and control strategies and to make every effort to press for stricter controls in the United Stated and Canada.
RESOLVED that FWIC urge the Federal Government to continue to support the Manitoba Government in its efforts to reject the Garrison Project as it affects Canada.
RESOLVED that FWIC urge the Government of Canada to change the Capital Gains Tax Act as it now exists, to re-adjust the valuation of farm lands through indexing corresponding to the rate of inflation; this to be applied retroactively, so that the valuation of farm lands is more representative of existing values.
RESOLVED that FWIC urge the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments within their respective jurisdictions to take the necessary steps to: make pornographic material inaccessible to minors (remove it from sight); ban pornographic publications and posters from public display; accessible to minors, and prohibit the sale of these publications to minors; require a license for operation of sex shops and impose severe penalties for admission of minors to such shops; ... cont'd
Cont'd ... prohibit the dissemination of posted signs or other forms of advertising of a pornographic nature; legislate to prohibit access to minors of all places where public entertainment of a pornographic nature is presented, with a severe punishment for violation by offenders and operators of such establishments; to further legislate strictly to control access of minors to films classified “18 years and over”; to establish an advisory committee (to include members from the public)
Cont'd to: define clearly and definitely the word “pornography”, receive complaints and ensure appropriate follow-up, report to appropriate authorities all offences against the statues, to inform the public, to report to the ministries concerned; this resolution to be sent to the Minister of Justice for inclusion in Bill C-53.
RESOLVED that FWIC support the Manitoba WI request that Municipal and Provincial authorities be required to provide more specific information and advance warning of large scale spraying programmes; FURTHER RESOLVED that annual inoculation of horses be encouraged & that any cases of the disease be reported; RESOLVED that FWIC support the Manitoba WI request that the Federal Government continue to make public funds available for research to produce a vaccine for humans against equine encephalitis
FWIC strongly opposes the showing, day or night, of any pornographic material on Canadian television.
RESOLVED that FWIC request that all processed, frozen and canned food governed by the regulations of the Food and Drug Act be labeled as to sodium content with the exception of those products in which the total content is less than 35 mg
FWIC recommend that the Federal Government make funds available for public information programs about spousal violence, its cause and effects, such programs to be available to all provinces for use in high schools, medical clinics, hospitals, emergency centers, public libraries, volunteer groups. Police departments etc., and FURTHER we recommend that the Department of Health and Welfare make basic information folders that accompany family allowance cheques.
FWIC urge the Government of Canada to investigate and encourage the production of paper currency that can be easily identified by blind or visually impaired persons.
FWIC commend federal government officials for their expressed intention of reducing by half the Canadian pollution emissions that lead to acid rain, and urge the continuance of pressure on the United States to instigate similar reforms.
RESOLVED that FWIC make known our opposition to the arms race and we urge the Government of Canada to act in a leadership role in developing innovative and courageous programs directed toward creating and sustaining universal peace and global justice.
FWIC recommend that that provincial units press their jurisdictions to institute a classification system that would be beneficial to both video stores and clients.
RESOLVED that FWIC recommend that the Federal Government require that instructions for the usage of such products be readable by use of larger print, contrasting colour, etc.
Explore a Century of Change
Since the founding of the Federated Womens Institutes of Canada there have been many official resolutions presented to leaders at home and abroad. Click on the decade to learn about the federal resolutions presented and supported by the WI Canada.
summary of activity
summary of activity
summary of activity
summary of activity
summary of activity