WI Resolutions 1919-1939
WI Resolutions Collections contains an overview of the resolutions passed by the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada (also known as WI Canada) from 1919 to current resolutions being added to the collection as they are accepted. Subgroups are organized chronologically.
Please credit: WI Canada/FWIC Resolutions Collection FWIC-001.SG01
That delegates here assembled from the Homemakers’ Clubs, the Home Economics Societies and Women’s Institutes do federate themselves into a national organization, the name to be decided upon after hearing the report of the committee on the constitution.
WHEREAS we understand that our Senate vetoed the Amendment to the Criminal Act last Session without consideration, we would earnestly protest against the vetoing of such amendment after it has passed the Lower House, and we would respectively suggest that with further consideration the Senate will place this Legislation on the Statute Books
RESOLVED that parents shall have equal rights of ownership over their children.
RESOLVED that the Federal Government be petitioned to establish divorce courts in each of the Provinces, such courts to be governed by federal enactments.
RESOLVED that women receive equal pay with men for equal work.
RESOLVED that the Legislative Committee of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada investigate and study the measure taken in various countries to deal with cases of wife desertion.
RESOLVED that the Standing Committee on Legislation take steps to lay before the Federal Government the extreme doaifability of having the recent Orders in Council re Anti-loafing and Registration placed on the Statute Books as enactments.
RESOLVED that it be recommended to the Committee on Household Economics that they study the report of the American Investigation of Packing Plants and that they act upon it and investigate Canadian Conditions and take action at as early a date as possible.
RESOLVED that the present laws re Prohibition be left on the Statute Books until the time when the soldiers return and a vote may be taken on it.
RESOLVED that the recommendation be made to the Committee on Legislation that they petition the Federal Government to grant the right to women to enter the House of Commons as Members
RESOLVED that greater emphasis be placed in the school upon the instilling into the children those ideals which pertain to and promote true citizenship and loyalty to the Canadian nation and to the whole British Empire. RESOLVED that the Union Jack be placed in a prominent position in all schools in Canada; that it be saluted with the words, “For God and my Country”; and that this resolution be put before the Standing Committee on Education.
RESOLVED that the FWIC adopt one set of words and music, preferably that begin: “O Canada, Our Home and Native Land”; and be it further resolved that the Federation recommends and urges the Provincial Women’s Institutes to encourage the regular use of the version in the schools and at public meetings of their respective Provinces.
RESOLVED that the FWIC petition the Federal Government to take immediate action in devising some distinct and systematic plan, whereby this most essential process of Canadianization may be made effective.
RESOLVED that the FWIC petition the Department of Education to have a copy of the “Migratory Bird (Protection) Conservation Act” posted in every school, and that it be made compulsory for teachers to explain the Act to their pupils, and impress on them the importance of protecting the birds.
RESOLVED that the FWIC demand of those in authority that the food that is manufactured be pure and wholesome, and that whole wheat be manufactured and placed on the market generally.
RESOLVED that the President of the FWIC be authorized to take up with the heads of the Canadian Railway System the whole question of the safe guarding of young women and children while traveling.
RESOLVED that a Women’s Institute Health League be constituted, the membership to consist of those who have attended a prescribed course of lectures on Health subjects, and passed an examination on the same RESOLVED that all those who have fulfilled the required conditions be granted a certificate of Membership in the League. RESOLVED that in order to secure uniformity and to provide a course suitable to the needs of this country, the Executive of the FWIC be authorized to prepare a suitable t
RESOLVED that the FWIC recommend to the Federal Board of Health that it give this matter the most urgent and serious consideration, and that steps be taken to remedy conditions now existing.
The Following are resolutions presented at the 1921 Convention
RESOLVED that the FWIC recommend that every effort be encouraged to promote and continue the harmonious relationships among peoples of the English speaking races.
RESOLVED that the FWIC recommend that the Laws of Enfranchisement for Women be a subject of close study by all Members of the Federation.
RESOLVED that the FWIC request with still more urgency that women be forthwith appointed.
RESOLVED that the FWIC express appreciation of the active program for GOOD ROADS projected in the various Provinces, and respectfully recommend to these Provincial Departments that extension of this work to the Side-Lines, as adding value to the present Better Roads Policy.
RESOLVED that the FWIC request the Federal Government to amend the Homesteading Act that the same conditions of Home-Standing be made for Women as for Men.
RESOLVED that the FWIC ask the Canadian Home Journal for space to conduct a Department on Institute Technique and consult with the Editor concerning the insertion of material on Institute Technique –another resolution later in the list mention space devoted to objects set forth in the Constitution instead of local and provincial news, reports of Standing Committees
Explore a Century of Change
Since the founding of the Federated Womens Institutes of Canada there have been many official resolutions presented to leaders at home and abroad. Click on the decade to learn about the federal resolutions presented and supported by the WI Canada.
summary of activity
summary of activity
summary of activity
summary of activity
summary of activity